Our History
With nearly a 75-year history, DECA has impacted the lives of more than ten million students, educators, school administrators and business professionals since it was founded in 1946. Their strong connection with our organization has resonated into a brand that people identify as a remarkable experience in the preparation of emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. DECA’s programs and activities have constantly evolved as we use the latest technology and apply cutting edge educational research. Our core focus has remained consistent and is captured in our mission.
Our Members
DECA is organized into two unique student divisions each with programs designed to address the learning styles, interest and focus of its members. The High School Division includes 220,000 members in 3,775 schools. The Collegiate Division includes over 5,000 members in 300 colleges and universities
Wyoming DECA was established in 1949. We have 12 chapters and approximately 300 members. Wyoming also has a collegiate division at the University of Wyoming.
Our Conferences
Our organization has the opportunity to attend numerous conferences throughout the year. These conferences are for leadership, training, industry supported competitions, networking and more. They are held in places around the United States to give students an opportunity to see what other states and chapters have to offer.
Competitive Events
DECA’s Competitive Events Program includes more than 30 occupational areas. Students win recognition, trophies, and scholarships while competing at the local, state and international levels. DECA gives students the challenge of bettering themselves and testing their skills.
DECA provides competitive events that:
- Are appropriate for each instructional level in each of the four career clusters
- Utilize a variety of methods and models to measure knowledge and skills
- May be used to assess and improve classroom instruction
- May be used to document learning
- May be used to document learning for the purpose of advanced placement or other forms of articulation agreements with colleges

Board of Directors

- President: Manuel Flores
- President-Elect: Anna McClure
- Past-President: Susan Evans
- Secretary/Treasurer: Susan Evans
- University of Wyoming DECA Liaison Kendra Brutsman
- Wyoming DECA President: Joci Davis
- Wyoming DECA Secretary: Edison Havugimana
- Chartered Association State Advisor: Cheryl Cranford
- Business/Industry Representatives: Dan Hedrick, Mary Hopper, Don Keyser, Stephanie Meisner, Suzan Newberry
Our State Officers
Brooklyn Terrell
Edison Havugimana
Joci Davis
DECA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit student organization with more than 225,000 members in all 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Canada, China, Germany, Guam, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Spain. The United States Congress, the United States Department of Education and state, district and international departments of education authorize DECA’s programs.