Joci Davis
Hi Wyoming! I’m Joci Davis, I will be your president for the year of 2024-2025. This will be my fourth year as a DECA member. Through my three completed years I have learned many important life skills. DECA has become something I’m very passionate about and love being a part of. I was introduced to this organization through a marketing class. What led me to joining was hearing about all of the fun events that are put on and seeing my advisor Mr. Flores talking so passionately on this activity. Going through the past couple of years in DECA has helped me in public speaking. When I first joined, I was very scared to speak in front of any crowd and now I’m a lot more relaxed and comfortable. This organization has taught me many life skills I will need when I get a job as an adult. My favorite memory of DECA is with my former officers leading the State Career Development Conference. I’m so excited to go through this upcoming year of DECA.